Saturday, February 6, 2021

Feedback Thoughts


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 The two articles I chose were "How to Tame Your Inner Critic: A Simple Habit to Rewire Your Brain" and "Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman’s Advice on the Creative Life, Adapted by Design Legend Chip Kidd." 

I really liked these articles — especially the "Tame the Inner Critic" one. I have the tendency to be very self critical. I don't necessarily have a hard time taking feedback, and often welcome it. My issue is more that I am very self-damning when I make even the smallest of mistakes. It's something I've been working on, and I think this article offers great advice on circumventing those kinds of negative thoughts.

Regarding that, I think Neil Gaiman offers great advice in welcoming mistakes. His speech is fantastic (he's just fantastic in general), and I especially like his statement, "Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life."

I find that I will put off doing something, or just not do it because I'm afraid I will mess it up. I have perfectionist tendencies that I need to let go of, because I have stopped doing things I loved if they don't turn out to be 1000%, irrevocably perfect. If I'm not great at something right away, I give it up which is a shame because I don't believe people are naturally talented (unless you're Mozart).   Jake the Dog gives excellent advice regarding this.

I respond well to feedback from others, but I need to learn to respond well to my own feedback. It's a learning process to make mistakes, and I would do well to learn to make them.

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